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Wellness Webinar “P.A.U.S.E. for Burnout Prevention”

Published: April 22, 2024; Author: Julia Sonrisa

 April 29, 2024    06:00 PM-06:30 PM EDT
Wellness Webinar “P.A.U.S.E. for Burnout Prevention”

Welcome to our Wellness Webinar: P.A.U.S.E. for Burnout Prevention! Join us online for an interactive session where we’ll explore practical strategies to prevent burnout and prioritize honoring your values through boundaries, healthy habits, and small impactful long-lasting changes.

Learn how to P.A.U.S.E. and take control of your well-being. This webinar is designed to help you recharge, refocus, and rejuvenate. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to invest in your overall health. Register now and let’s tackle burnout together!

Time: 6:00-6:30 pm EST



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