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Webinar “Year end tax tips and Strategies”

Published: November 18, 2023; Author: Julia Sonrisa

 November 22, 2023    09:00 PM-10:00 PM EDT
Webinar “Year end tax tips and Strategies”

Year-end tax tips and Strategies- Webinar

Join our Year-End Tax Tips and Strategies Webinar!

This informative webinar will focus on various year-end tax tips and strategies to help individuals and business owners make the most of their taxes. The topics covered will include:

  • Tax loss harvesting
  • RRSP conversions
  • Tax saving investment planning
  • What to consider with individual tax rate changes
  • Some corporate year-end tax tips

Let me help you make informed decisions this tax year-end. Register now and secure your spot!

Time: 9:00 — 10:00 pm EST



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