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Publishing “Ask Us Anything” Panel

Published: June 1, 2024; Author: Julia Sonrisa

 June 15, 2024    02:00 PM-03:30 PM EDT

Montclair Book Center

Address: 221 Glenridge Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07042, United States

Phone: +1 973-783-3630


Publishing “Ask Us Anything” Panel

Four award-winning authors of young adult novels will be participating in an “Ask Us Anything” discussion here at the Montclair Book Center!

Crissa-Jean Chapell, Jennifer Salvato Doktorksi, J. Albert Mann, and Colby Cedar Smith all sit on the council of the Rutgers University Council on Children’s Literature (, which hosts an annual conference every October for aspiring authors and illustrators of fiction for kids and teens. Between them, they’ve published more than 20 novels with “The Big Five” publishing houses and independent presses.

The authors hope to demystify the process that begins with an idea, involves many hours of writing and editing, and ends—if you’re lucky—with a book appearing on the shelves of bookstores, online, and in libraries.

Attendees can ask the authors about the publishing industry, pitching stories to agents and editors, writing query letters, how book deals work, and their writing journeys. The authors will be selling and signing their books as well.

Click here to view the event on the website.

Time: 2:00-3:30 pm EST



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