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Exhibition of Cindy Leung “To Go”

Published: May 23, 2023; Author: Julia Sonrisa

 June 2, 2023 until Jun 23, 2023   05:00 PM-06:00 PM EDT

Address: 456 Broadway, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10013 United States

Exhibition of Cindy Leung “To Go”

To Go examines the complex relationship between consumerism, colonization, and cultural hybridity. Cindy Leung chooses to use Chinese exports- silk, tea, and porcelain primarily in her work because they originated in the East and were popularized in the West through trading and British colonization. She considers these materials to be a part of her identity, given that she was born and raised in Hong Kong. Each hybrid object is named with a verb and a Chinese character to hint at the Chinese computer input system Sucheng, the bilingual education the artist grew up in, as well as to show the interactions of the materials. The use of mixed materials and their interactions are symbols to represent the relationship between the two cultures. By making hybrid objects with these specific materials, the artist sees her work as a way to create a visual manifestation of the hybridity in her identity and in her language.

About the artist

Cindy Leung is an artist from Hong Kong and is based in Kansas City, Missouri. She holds an MFA from the University of Florida and a BFA from Queens College, CUNY. She exhibited nationally and internationally in China, New York, California, Florida, Washington, and more. Leung is a faculty at Kansas City Kansas Community College and an Artist-In-Residence at Belger Crane Yard Studios.

Chinese American Arts Council’s Gallery 456 Visual Arts Exhibition Series is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

Time: 5:00 pm EDT



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