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Capability Statement Webinar

Published: September 7, 2024; Author: Julia Sonrisa

 September 9, 2024    08:00 PM-09:00 PM EDT
Capability Statement Webinar

The Department of State Development and Infrastructure invites you to join a Capability Statement Webinar.

What is a capability statement?

A capability statement is a tool that allows procurement teams to assess your expertise and achievements, as well as your potential to deliver goods and services. It outlines the capabilities and skills of your business.

A capability statement is essential for applying for and securing tendering opportunities in government and private sector projects. They can also be uploaded to online databases and be used to support your finance applications.

Why attend this webinar?

This webinar will provide the top tips to help your businesses develop and prepare an effective capability statement.

By attending, you will learn:

  • Why a capability statement is important.
  • How to use your capability statement to market your product or service.
  • How to use your capability statement to accompany contract tender submissions
  • Best-practice fundamentals for developing and drafting a powerful capability statement.
  • How to access the latest information on Queensland’s supply chain opportunities.

Hybrid webinar offer to Fraser Coast and Gympie Business

If your business is located in the Fraser Coast and Gympie region, you are invited to join a hybrid webinar in person at a government office located in Maryborough or Gympie. The hybrid webinar provides you the additional opportunity to participate in extended capability statement discussion and networking over a light lunch.

Webinar Recording Consent

By registering and attending this Microsoft Teams Webinar (“Webinar”), you:

  1. consent to any exchanges captured by audio, video, and text through the Microsoft Teams Webinars (the “Recordings”) to be recorded, used, and stored by the Department of State Development and Infrastructure (“the Department”) for any reasons that the Department deems fit;
  2. consent to the Recordings to be distributed to other parties (both departmental and other external parties) who may or may not have been participants in the original Recordings;
  3. agree that the rights granted to the Department under this consent are perpetual and you agree that you will not receive any payment, royalty, or other consideration (whether monetary or otherwise) from the Department in connection with any exhibition, streaming, webcasting, televising, or other publication of the Recordings;
  4. release the Department, staff, and all persons involved in the recording from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, use, or publication of the Recordings.
  5. waive any right to inspect or approve any of the Recordings taken by the Department.
  6. agree that the Department is the owner of the copyright of the Recordings.

Time: 9:00-10:00 pm EST



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