Webinar “Presenting birds observed at the Naval Cemetery Landscape”
Leaders: Eric Thompson, gardener and naturalist (BGI)
Focus: Discover the wildlife in this native pollinator meadow and memorial landscape. The talk will focus primarily on the migrating birds and insects observed at the Naval Cemetery Landscape while showing stunning visual records from a year of observation. The Director of Horticulture and Greenway Stewardship will also introduce the landscape and BGI and talk briefly about the plantings and techniques that help create habitat for over 75 observed bird species in the year and the insects that support them. This will be a live webinar event with a short Q and A to follow.
Format and access: This is a live Zoom webinar event, please register to receive information about how to join the webinar.
About the Naval Cemetery Landscape, The Naval Cemetery Landscape (NCL) is fully operated and made open as a public space by the Brooklyn Greenway Initiative (BGI)through the generosity of our supporters. Stop by on a day after the presentation and enjoy the NCL’s native pollinator habitat and contemplative memorial urban meadow and learn about the NCL and the Greenway and what goes into maintaining their beauty and accessibility for every visitor, especially the many species of birds for which we intentionally cultivate habitat and resources!
This event is free but please make sure to register/get a ticket for each attending member.
Time: 6:00-7:00 pm EST