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YOF System Innovations Mandatory Orientation Webinar

Published: July 16, 2024; Author: Julia Sonrisa

 July 23, 2024    01:00 PM-02:00 PM EDT
YOF System Innovations Mandatory Orientation Webinar

Congratulations on your new YOF System Innovations grant! We are delighted with your success and look forward to collectively strengthening systems in the youth-serving sector.  

As a condition of your grant with the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF), it is required that you participate in the Grantee Orientation webinar. This mandatory webinar will focus on the support the YOF program provides during the term of your grant and your role and responsibility as a YOF grantee. Specifically, the Grantee Orientation webinar will cover:

  • YOF support systems & leading work as part of a collaborative  
  • The grant contract, its terms and conditions, and OTF policies 
  • Grantee requirements and expectations  
  • Next steps  

Who should attend? 

  • A representative from the lead organization
  • A representative from at least one of the collaborative partners

Participation in this webinar is mandatory for all new Systems Innovations grantees. Attendance is required before the activation of your grant and the issue of your first payment. The webinar will be held on Zoom. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. 

Have questions about this webinar? Follow up with the YOF Team at [email protected] or your assigned Program Manager. 

Time: 1:00 pm EST



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