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Webinar “PowerNotes: Digital Research, Writing, and Collaboration”

Published: June 24, 2024; Author: Julia Sonrisa

 August 1, 2024    04:00 PM-05:00 PM EDT
Webinar “PowerNotes: Digital Research, Writing, and Collaboration”


Benjamin W. Stanley, Ph.D. — ASU Instructor

Kyle Zegarac, PowerNotes Account Manager

Catrina Mitchum, Ph.D. — PowerNotes Implementation Specialist

PowerNotes is an innovative platform for digital research, writing, and collaboration. Designed for teaching and student engagement, this toolkit simplifies the delivery and administration of research assignments in a virtual environment. Additionally, Insight, PowerNotes’ methodical solution for academic integrity, offers real-time insights into student progress and effectively deters AI-assisted and contract cheating.

In this webinar, we will delve into the methods and motivations for integrating PowerNotes into your courses. We will discuss approaches for wrapping existing assignments into the PowerNotes interface and examine how its tools can open new avenues for research engagement and collaborative learning.

Learn more beforehand by sending your course and assignment details to [email protected]

Email addresses for those participating:

Kyle Zegarac — [email protected]

Catrina Mitchum — [email protected]

Ben Stanley — [email protected]

Time: 4:00-5:00 pm EST



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