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Webinar “The Pro-Active Parent’s Guide to Launching Young Adults”

Published: June 23, 2024; Author: Julia Sonrisa

 June 25, 2024    11:00 AM-12:00 PM EDT
Webinar “The Pro-Active Parent’s Guide to Launching Young Adults”

Are you anticipating your college student’s return home after graduation with a mix of excitement and trepidation? Or perhaps you’re already grappling with the challenges of having your independent young adult back under your roof for the summer.

Questions swirl in your mind: What are the rules now? How do you set boundaries with a young adult who has an agenda? And most importantly, how do you cultivate a harmonious and fulfilling relationship with them during this transition period?

Join us for an insightful webinar where I’ll provide you with the tools and strategies to navigate this pivotal stage in your child’s life and your parenting journey. I will address your concerns and provide practical advice on establishing healthy boundaries, fostering open communication, and nurturing independence in your emerging adults.

Key topics include:

  • Setting clear expectations and boundaries for young adults living at home
  • Strategies for maintaining a positive relationship while respecting their autonomy
  • Cultivating mutual respect and understanding between parents and young adults
  • Providing support and guidance without enabling dependency
  • Respecting each other’s autonomy while upholding shared responsibilities

Whether you’re facing the prospect of your child moving back home after graduation or you’re already navigating the challenges of cohabiting with a young adult, this webinar will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to support your child’s journey toward independence while maintaining a strong and loving relationship.

Time: 11:00 am EST



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