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FIWARE Webinar “Advanced NGSI-LD Registrations”

Published: May 31, 2024; Author: Julia Sonrisa

 June 7, 2024    03:00 AM-04:00 AM EDT
FIWARE Webinar “Advanced NGSI-LD Registrations”

Linked data systems are structured from the bottom up to be collaborative, and offer the opportunity to create data spaces that keep the restrictions on participants’ data structures to an absolute minimum. Such systems aim to offer a cross-functional holistic viewpoint of the data drawn from multiple systems, giving users greater awareness of the actual state of the entities and allowing them to make better decisions.

NGSI-LD uses the registration concept to link data sources in multiple ways and the registrations in use can be tailored to the individual use case. Furthermore, recent developments also allow for easier traversal of the knowledge graph which improves the ontological structure of data.

This advanced webinar is a deep dive into using registrations effectively and will offer the opportunity to learn about NGSI-LD best practices for data spaces and systems of systems.

Presenter: Jason Fox (Technical Evangelist, FIWARE Foundation)

Audience: Developers

Difficulty: ★★★★★

Chapter: Core-Context

Time: 3:00-4:00 am EST



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