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Webinar “Combining Accessibility and Creativity”

Published: March 5, 2024; Author: Julia Sonrisa

 March 26, 2024    01:00 AM-02:00 AM EDT
Webinar “Combining Accessibility and Creativity”

What’s this about?

Accessibility is a non-negotiable, but it doesn’t need to be complicated. Businesses that keep their teams up to date on digital accessibility outperform their competitors and better service all users.

What will I learn?

In this session, we’ll run you through a digital accessibility masterclass to prepare your teams to meet and exceed the needs of disabled users — without sacrificing your creativity. You will get to fully understand how your team can make your services or products more accessible for neurodiverse users and explore how you can leverage cognition to understand your users better, meet their pain points, and make them stay.

Is this for me?

This session is to help marketers learn the fundamental principles behind accessible digital design that can be applied easily and straight away. We will help introduce you and your teams to the WCAG guidelines and explain how you can meet these standards. We’ll also upskill you and your team to help you understand the cognitive and physical needs of your users.

Who’s in charge around here?

This webinar has been created by Yoyo.

Running this webinar will be our Senior UX Designer Ellie Barrett along with co-chair Head of Client Partnerships, Anna Dixon.

Do I get a chance to ask questions?

Absolutely. We’ll talk for around 45 minutes and then the floor is yours — we’ll run a Q&A session to discuss your questions, ideas, and challenges when designing and building websites that balance great customer experience with sustainable practices.

Great, where do I book?

Simply book your FREE ticket and we’ll send you all the details you need to join our online event.

We can’t wait to meet you!

Yoyo x

Time: 1:00-2:00 am EST



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