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Webinar “The never-ending need for content”

Published: July 13, 2023; Author: Julia Sonrisa

 July 20, 2023    05:00 AM-06:00 AM EDT
Webinar “The never-ending need for content”

The exponentially increasing requirement for social content is showing no signs of slowing down.

But the approach of simply running TVC’s across social media platforms has become obsolete. The ’always on’ strategy that was once heavily touted has lost its relevance, being replaced by a new focus on authenticity, relevance, and tailoring content to fit the unique requirements of each platform.

Now, there’s an entire universe of creators out there who are continually pushing the boundaries of content creation on a daily basis, and at CYLNDR we’ve made it our mission to build relationships with creators themselves.

In our upcoming webinar, we delve deeper into the mindset of these creators, exploring their methodologies and strategies for content creation. You’ll gain insight into how they continually evolve their channels to stay relevant, swiftly adapting to new trends and always staying attuned to the ever-changing needs and preferences of their audiences.

In the session, we will talk to Mike Will (UK Shooters founder) and Andrea Astarita, two content creators that have worked with esteemed brands like Adobe, Samsung, Porsche, Xbox, Google, Nissan, Deliveroo, and many many more. In the panel session, we will go into more depth about how they approach content creation and how brands can get the most out of these types of partnerships.

Sign up through Eventbrite today for full access to the webinar!

Time: 5:00 am EST



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