Film Screening “Clueless” (1995)
“Clueless” is a witty and stylish teen comedy that follows the adventures of Cher Horowitz, a popular and wealthy high school student in Beverly Hills.
Cher, a self-proclaimed expert in fashion, popularity, and matchmaking, navigates the complexities of high school life with her best friend, Dionne. Cher’s life is filled with designer clothes, lavish parties, and a constant quest to improve her social standing.
But beneath the surface of Cher’s seemingly carefree life, she faces challenges and struggles to understand the world beyond her privileged bubble. She attempts to makeover a new student, Tai, transforming her from a shy and awkward girl into a confident and popular one.
Along the way, Cher learns about the importance of friendship, the power of self-acceptance, and the value of genuine connections. She also discovers the complexities of romantic relationships as she navigates her feelings for her stepbrother, Josh.
“Clueless” is a lighthearted and entertaining film with a sharp and satirical tone, poking fun at the superficiality and materialism of teenage life in Beverly Hills. It’s a coming-of-age story that explores themes of identity, friendship, and finding your place in the world.
Time: 3:00-5:00 pm EDT