Film Screening “Back to the Future” (1985)
“Back to the Future” is a time-traveling adventure comedy that follows Marty McFly, a teenager who gets accidentally sent back to 1955 in a time-traveling DeLorean invented by his eccentric scientist friend, Doc Brown.
Marty’s arrival in the past disrupts the timeline, causing unintended consequences for his family and the future. He finds himself face-to-face with his younger parents, who are about to meet for the first time, and must prevent them from falling in love to ensure his existence.
With the help of Doc Brown, who is stranded in the past, Marty navigates the cultural oddities of the 1950s and tries to subtly influence his parents’ relationship without revealing his true identity. He faces a host of challenges, including a jealous rival for his mother’s affections, a local bully who targets him, and the threat of being trapped in the past forever.
Through a series of hilarious mishaps and unexpected encounters, Marty attempts to fix the timeline and return to his own time. He must race against time to set things right before his existence is erased and the future is irrevocably altered.
“Back to the Future” is a classic time-travel film that blends humor, action, and science fiction. It features memorable characters, iconic dialogue, and a catchy soundtrack, making it a beloved and enduring pop culture phenomenon.
Time: 5:00-7:00 pm EST