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Webinar “Family Engagement Is the Secret Advantage to Improving Student Outcomes”

Published: September 9, 2022; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: September 15, 2022

It takes a village to ensure a child’s social-emotional well-being and education is on the right track. That means all adults—including teachers, caregivers, and family members—are essential players in a student’s learning team and must meaningfully engage on a regular basis to create the best outcomes for each child. Educators have long known this, but moving beyond occasional outreach to developing deep, positive relationships with families can feel like a big undertaking. It doesn’t have to be!

During this edWebinar, you’ll hear how Lexington County School District One (SC) has a key advantage when it comes to improving student outcomes through the strong partnerships and ongoing communication they have built with school families. Join the lively conversation to learn concrete ways to:

A new school year is a perfect opportunity to ensure family communication and engagement are front and center in a student’s educational experience, leading to a more positive school climate and positive impacts on learning outcomes.

This edWebinar will be of interest to K-8 school and district leaders. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.

About the Presenters

April Hawkins is the marketing manager at ParentPowered. She was previously a public school district leader, developing and implementing public relations plans to inform and engage diverse communities. She has a passion for equity and has worked with a global nonprofit advocating for LGBTQ+ workplace equality, as well as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. She holds an M.A. in Middle Eastern studies from Tel Aviv University and a B.A. in French literature from the University of Houston and the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour.

Missy Martin began her career in Lexington County School District One in 2001 as a parent educator, providing home visitation and personalized support for children and families. A large part of this role was to strengthen the efficacy of families in the areas of early childhood development and parent-child engagement. Additionally, Missy coordinated the district’s Family Literacy Program, facilitating family engagement and educational opportunities to increase literacy and multigenerational learning.

In 2015, Missy took on the role of Family Engagement Specialist, where she currently works to support best practices around family engagement in Title I schools, as well as provide support to the district’s preschool program. Prior to her time in Lexington One, Missy’s experience included teaching and serving as the director of a child development center. Missy is a recipient of the 2013 Heroes In the Field Award and was featured in The Riley Institute WhatWorksSC Clearinghouse finalist film highlighting Parents as Teachers SC.

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Time: 3:00 pm — 4:00 pm EDT



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Detailed information and discussion of the event.