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Webinar “Free Up Your Cashflow: 10 Practical and Proven Steps for SMEs”

Published: September 7, 2024; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: September 10, 2024

Cashflow is the lifeblood of a business. It’s money flowing into and out of a company. A bit like what blood is for the human body.

So if cash dries up, it’s time for the business!

We could be making record sales, striking brilliant deals, and having the best staff in the industry — but does that mean our cash flow will be healthy?

Surprisingly not!

HMRC figures show surprising numbers of profitable businesses being forced into closure because of the lack of cash flowing INTO the business.

How can we avoid this trap?

Join us in high energy and practical webinar where you will walk away with:

In this tough environment, cash may be hard to come by for many businesses.

So let’s work together to make sure you keep as much of it as possible to spend where you want to spend it the most.

Register for a webinar now!

This webinar is sponsored by the Waltham Forest BIPC and the British Library.

What attendees of previous webinars have said

“Thank you for the advice and support you offered today, I came away with more food for thought than I had even hoped for” Chantelle, Math Sense,

“Brilliant session covered all the elements that required but also those I wasn’t aware I did not know. First-class training — good pace. I was able to ask any questions I wanted to throughout.” Sharon Douglas

“Very clear and precise.” Stephanie Sinclair

Time: 6:00-7:15 am EST



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