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Webinar “Reclaiming Your Life After Narcissistic Abuse”

Published: July 2, 2024; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: July 9, 2024

Do you feel like you’ve lost yourself?

Are you struggling with anxiety and self-trust?

Do painful memories from your relationship linger in your head?

A narcissist uses so much emotional and verbal abuse that it’s hard to recover, even after you’re out of the relationship. It can leave you scarred; struggling with anxiety and self-doubt.

For some, a narcissistic ex can still have a hold or influence over them. They can feel compelled to reach out to them, or even accept them back.

Worst of all is self-blame and doubt. Where you question yourself and your thoughts. Trying to figure out if the person is toxic or not, if he/she loves you; if he/she is your soulmate ...

When you’ve been involved with a narcissist, it can leave severe emotional and mental scars. You might think or have been told that it takes a long time to heal. This does NOT have to be the case!

Come to this free webinar and discover the secret to healing from narcissistic abuse and how you can RECLAIM your life, future, and happiness!

You will receive the link to the event when you sign up.

This webinar is given by Hali Stokes, a self-help and relationship expert who has helped hundreds of people recover from narcissistic abuse. She is the Lead Consultant and Program Director at South Coast Mission Dianetics & Scientology Self-Improvement Center.

Time: 10:00-11:00 pm EST



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