Free activities and events in New York City

Webinar 12 Working with Teenagers and Young Adults

Published: June 3, 2024; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: June 11, 2024

This is the twelfth webinar in a series of 13 webinars on the topic of “Working with Teenagers and Young Adults.” The webinars will be presented by a team of researchers from the University of East Anglia: Beth Neil, Julie Young, Ruth Copson, and Anne Murphy.

The webinar series will allow for an in-depth examination of a wide range of topics related to planning and supporting safe and meaningful connections between adopted children and their birth families after adoption.

The UEA team will be joined by guest speakers, particularly people with lived experience of adoption.

The webinars will be offered to adopted people, birth relatives, adopters, and professionals in the sector and the learning from this can be disseminated by those attending.

The webinars are free, but registering in advance for each event is required. We have included the Webinar Schedule below and will promote each event 2 weeks before the event date.

Please note: The workshop link will be emailed directly to you before the event. In the meantime, please place the event date and time in your calendar as a placeholder.

All webinars will be recorded and made available after each event via a YouTube channel.

Booking on workshops:

  1. Ensure the workshop is booked under the details of the person attending
  2. Check the email address is spelled correctly to ensure you receive the confirmation
  3. If you do not plan to attend, please do not email us please just cancel your Eventbrite ticket.

Q . Can I book a ticket for a colleague?

A . It is best to book your tickets but if you need to book a ticket for a colleague then ensure you make the booking using only their details.

Duplicate bookings or bookings made by an individual without an invite to the event may be canceled without notice.

Time: 2:30-3:30



List of all free webinars

Detailed information and discussion of the event.