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Webinar “Scrum Basics”

Published: April 15, 2024; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: April 26, 2024

This webinar is a bit about Agile, but mostly about the basics of Scrum, which we can cover in 60 minutes.

We have another 30-minute webinar that introduces our CSM course. The CSM Course gives you the basics in 16 hours. Still basic, but notably longer.

This webinar might be for someone thinking about getting into Scrum, or for a manager or another person who is not sure how much they need to know. At least that person will be 60 minutes smarter.

This is a general introduction and it allows some time for questions. Often a full answer to all your questions takes longer, but we’ll do the best we can in the timebox.

Discussion Leader

Joe Little is an Agile Trainer (CST) and coach. He has been delivering courses and webinars for years, and now delivers many courses and workshops online, including the CSM, CSPO, and A-CSM courses and the ARP workshops. Find more information here.

Contact us if you have any questions.

Time: 10:30-11:30 am EST



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