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Webinar “10 Essential PMI skills for a Leader”

Published: July 16, 2022; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: July 26, 2022

Effective project management expertise is essential not only for certified project managers but for everyone who manages projects. Lack of project management skills in leaders can result in reduced productivity, lost business, missed deadlines, and even internal disputes. Join this FREE upcoming webinar and learn how project management skills can help you become a more efficient leader to drive successful projects and meet your business goals.

Learn specific techniques and methods based on project management principles and strategies. Get the skills to develop a schedule with realistic estimates, analyze risk, design a kick-off meeting, delegate tasks, stimulate effective status updates, and build a strong team culture. Delivered by a certified instructor, this webinar will help you understand how to leverage your new skills in an increasingly challenging virtual or hybrid workplace.



Time: 1 pm — 1:40 pm EST


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