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Webinar “Better Business Cases: Guidance, Training and Certification”

Published: July 15, 2022; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: August 24, 2022

Vast sums of money are invested in projects, programs, and change initiatives across all sectors and industries. Business cases or spending proposals typically act as the catalyst for change yet initiatives often fail at the first hurdle as the business case fails to convince senior management of the return on investment. This creates a major problem for project teams as they struggle to secure funding for essential change initiatives, simply because the justification for the change is insufficient to persuade those that authorize funding. Additionally, projects and other change initiatives are at risk of failure (time, scope/cost/benefits realization) if the business case fails to accurately scope critical aspects of the initiative. This is of particular importance in the public sector where taxpayer funds are at stake.

Creating effective business cases and spending proposals is therefore critical to securing funding and management buy-in. It is important that individuals have the opportunity to develop their capabilities to create, review, and adapt effective business cases.

What You Will Learn

After this one-hour session, learners will be able to:


Time: 6:00 AM EDT — 7:00 AM EDT, 1:30 PM EDT — 2:30 PM EDT


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