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Webinar “Achieving Funding and Financing in the New Economy”

Published: February 10, 2024; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: February 22, 2024

This webinar will focus on changing dynamics in the financial markets internationally that are affecting the import-export markets. Monetary strength and the ability to find financing are keys to trade throughout the world. With logistics and ever-changing economic structures from country to country, these dynamics are constantly in flux.

This webinar will focus on how to package and properly prepare financials, as well as search out new sources of funding along with preparation guidelines that will make your transactions more attractive to potential financiers, creditors, and investors who will participate in trade finance.

The webinar will cover traditional and alternative forms of financing, along with how to package each transaction so that potential capital markets professionals can analyze and finance your transactions.

We will cover traditional lines of credit and loans, purchase order funding, and accounts receivable funding, as well as the rules, regulations, and procedures that normally accompany these transactions.

Our focus will be to align your efforts with the underwriting requirements for several types of financing scenarios, and how financing affects profit margins, time frames, as well as the pros and cons of utilizing financing.

Time: 1:00-2:00 pm EST



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