Free activities and events in New York City

Webinar “Unwind Anxiety”

Published: May 21, 2022; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: May 31, 2022

The last two years have pushed us to our edge; job insecurity, heartbreak, the loss of a loved one, isolation, or just plain burnout. Join us as we rediscover our strength and joy with the use of the sacred fundamentals of NLP. Experience the profound impact of these powerful tools, as well as, an intellectual understanding of how they create lasting change.

This Online Event Is For You...

You Will Discover...

Register Now for the road map to navigating these turbulent times, regain your inner compass, and move forward with grace and ease. Attendees receive a recording of the event, seminar materials, and a special bonus!

* You will receive an email with a Zoom link after your registration confirmation.


Time: 7:00 PM — 8:00 PM EDT


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Detailed information and discussion of the event.