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Webinar “Conscious Life Design & Stress Release Program”

Published: May 13, 2022; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: May 3, 2022

Are you ready to reduce stress in your life?

Are you experiencing:

We all want to feel better and live better. Yet it feels like we continue to face the reality of not feeling well...again and again.

There are shifts we feel we need to make...

Give yourself the gift of receiving, allow this coaching design to transform your life!

The Conscious Life Design & Stress Release Program introduces you to the wisdom of your own breath to release stress, unlock vitality, and discover your the serenity of your own home.

The increased uncertainty many are experiencing during these difficult times, has some seeking their deeper self; one that is healthy, thriving and in alignment, with the beauty, we wish to see in the world. The first step to achieving this reality is shedding the stress and traumas limiting our experience.

This FREE 90-minute workshop provides the opportunity to release stress, and find inner peace and balance through the awareness of a guided, consciously, connected breath.

So what’s holding you back?

Gain clarity on the blocks that stand in your way of stepping into your fullest potential. Discover the areas where you need to set patterns in place and use tools to go deep within.

Through Conscious Life Design you will focus on aligning yourself with patterns of intelligence (breath, sound, nature, etc) in order to shed dense energies holding you back so you can begin to respond to living consciously. The facilitation and coaching design helps you understand and uncover your deepest values, the unique gifts that you have to share with the world while supporting you in translating them into sustained action, with details to activate a life design that will serve you unconditionally.

Don’t let stress and your unhealed traumas weigh you down any longer!

Studies are showing that about ninety percent of people in our culture have a restricted breathing pattern.

Why do people stop breathing well?

A restricted breathing pattern can arise due to a number of reasons ranging from physical to mental to emotional. At the root of these imbalances are often, if not always related to stress and trauma. To live life is to encounter stress. There is not a human life that avoids it, but the challenge is...

How do we manage it?

In this workshop, you will learn how to effectively manage stress, process trauma, and open yourself to the vitality of an open, fluid breath pattern.

You will learn:

Get yourself signed up, grab a pen, and a notebook, and find a quiet place to join the workshop!


Time: 12:00 PM — 1:30 PM EDT


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Detailed information and discussion of the event.