Free activities and events in New York City

Free online event “Heal Your Lifelong Binge Eating and Lifelong Dieting”

Published: May 12, 2022; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: May 17, 2022

How to be 100% in control and at peace around food, without fear of gaining weight, self-sabotaging, or having to be perfect.

This FREE ONLINE EVENT is for anyone who feels out of control with food and who struggles with binge eating, overeating, emotional eating, food obsessions, yo-yo dieting, or a former eating disorder.

In this online masterclass the speaker shows you:

How to naturally be in control around food, without it feeling forced, and without the pressure of having to be perfect so you actually find food fun and enjoyable again!

How to remove constant guilt, shame, should/shouldn’t, good/bad, can/can’t mental negotiations and restore eating to be simple, nourishing, and natural as it’s meant to be so you can be happy AND healthy for the long haul.

How to break the dependency on tracking, diet plans, overwhelming "food rules"and confidently trust yourself again to know when, what, how much to eat so you never have to question yourself about food again.

How to reprogram your brain to eliminate toxic thinking and beliefs about self, food, and/or body that are feeding your urges to binge, emotionally eat, restrict, quit, or procrastinate and live your life FREE of these unnecessary inner battles that hold you back.

How to stop wasting your time, money, and energy on destructive eating habits and diet methods that keep you stuck and invest it all back into your life where it matters most!

The ONE secret that will put you in the position to sustainably lose the weight and boost your metabolism without restricting your favorite foods.

**Confirmation Link to Join the online webinar will be provided prior to the event**


Time: 7:00 PM — 8:00 PM EDT


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Detailed information and discussion of the event.