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Webinar “How to Build a Successful Webinar Marketing Strategy: Tips and Techniques”

Published: June 20, 2023; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: June 22, 2023


Webinars are a powerful marketing tool that can help businesses generate leads, build brand awareness, and connect with customers. But without a solid marketing strategy in place, webinars can fall flat and fail to deliver the desired results. In this workshop, attendees will learn the essential steps to building a successful webinar marketing strategy that maximizes impact and delivers results.

Key Topics:


The workshop will be a mix of presentations and interactive exercises to help attendees apply the concepts to their own businesses. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and share their own experiences and challenges.

Target Audience:

This workshop is designed for marketers, business owners, and anyone responsible for planning and executing webinar marketing campaigns. Attendees should have a basic understanding of webinars and marketing principles.

Key Takeaways:

By the end of the workshop, attendees should have a clear understanding of the key elements of a successful webinar marketing strategy and be equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to plan and execute their own campaigns.

They will also have the opportunity to network with other professionals in their field and share best practices.

Time: 1:00-3:00 pm EDT



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