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Webinar “The Smart Mission: On People, Knowledge, and the Importance of Appreciation”

Published: April 21, 2022; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: April 28, 2022

People, teams, and organizations are engaged in missions. The word mission denotes purpose, meaning, and social impact. It is critical for a sense of well-being, focus, and appreciation. People on a mission, demonstrate it through behaviors and attitudes of appreciation. The Smart Mission is centered on the human element and expertise for successful teaming. While there is a tendency to prioritize process and technology, success is dependent on human collaboration and exchange. Drawing on examples and case studies from NASA and other organizations, we will explore six factors— learning, knowledge, teaming, global collaboration, culture of appreciation, and story — that promote a smart mission.

What You Will Learn/Takeaways:

This webinar will provide up to 1.0 PDU.


Time: 1:00 — 2:00 pm


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