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Webinar “Using Esports as a Gateway to STEM Careers Through CTE”

Published: February 13, 2023; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: February 22, 2023

Is esports just for competition, or can it provide a gateway for students to access STEM careers through CTE-aligned esports curricula? In this edWebinar, you’ll see evidence as to how this can be accomplished.

See how the unique partnership between Coherent Educational Solutions, EDGE Consulting, and Horizon AVL can help you jumpstart esports within your communities, and learn about an effective way to bring esports to your school, district, or out-of-school time program. The presenters will discuss how to introduce esports to your administration and parents and what infrastructure can be set up. They will also provide a glimpse of the new, cost-effective, CTE-aligned curriculum that will help guide students to possible college scholarships and careers associated with the multibillion-dollar esports industry.

You’ll leave this session understanding how you can bring esports to your school, district, or out-of-school time organization, and engage your students with a clear connection to CTE and STEM career pathways. Whether you are a veteran esports program or new to the esports scene, join us to see how you can use esports as a bridge to STEM careers.

This edWebinar will be of interest to K-12 teachers, librarians, school and district leaders, education technology leaders, and those interested in esports and career technical education. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.

About the Presenters

Currently the VP of Business Partnerships for Coherent Educational Solutions (CES), Scott Spector has been a classroom science and technology teacher, founding elementary STEAM charter school principal, STEM science consultant at the California Department of Education, and former science coordinator at the Santa Barbara County Education Office. Scott understands how to meet kids where they are and how to engage them in the classroom. He is currently working with a team from CES and EDGE Consulting to help create CTE-aligned esports curricula that will help students understand that esports is not just gaming, but there are plenty of lucrative careers around the multibillion-dollar esports gaming industry.

Chris Scroggins is currently finishing his Ph.D. at the University of South Carolina and is a former instructor of esports at Shenandoah University. Chris is the Co-founder and CEO of Esports Development and Growth Enterprise (EDGE). In his consulting role, he applies his knowledge of organizational leadership and esports in order to assist clients and provide a high-quality product to the consumer/customer. EDGE develops and grows the academic esports space by providing educational content, academic esports consulting, and esports curriculum development. Through academic and professional experiences, Chris has developed a breadth of knowledge regarding the esports industry. He has experience hosting small- and large-scale events, as well as conducting academic research on esports. Currently, Chris is finishing esports-related manuscripts and co-editing the first comprehensive esports textbook.

About the Moderator

Dr. Jamie Valenzuela-Mumau is a groundbreaking educational leader with proven success in supporting the professional growth of teachers and administrators. He brings over 20 years of educational experience serving as a teacher and a site and district administrator at both elementary and secondary levels. He most recently served as an assistant superintendent for educational services at a county level. His vast expertise along with his professional experiences and successes in improving student outcomes have prepared him to assist with meeting the needs of the educational community.

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Time: 3:00 pm — 4:00 pm EST



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