Free activities and events in New York City

Webinar “Time Management — Maximizing Your Productivity”

Published: April 14, 2022; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: April 20, 2022

Now more than ever we need to adjust and be productive at home!

Time is the most valuable resource we all share, however, we spend a lot of that time procrastinating and not focusing on the things that matter to us in the long run. In this course, Time Management — Maximizing Your Productivity, you will learn to maximize the effectiveness of your time. First, you will learn why time management is important.

Next, you will learn about the most popular time management techniques. Finally, you will explore how to tailor your own time management approach. When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills needed to effectively use your time for the things that matter most to you and the goals you have set for yourself.

Finally, once we get back to in person events we will look to organize some mixers where we can meet and compare notes and mingle!

Click link below to access workshop for FREE

*Please note that this is FREE, you will need to create an account to participate online. Your support helps keep this group going during these tough times.

Time: 7:00 — 8:00 pm


List of all free webinars

Detailed information and discussion of the event.