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Webinar “Top 10 best Practices for Microsoft Azure Security”

Published: January 30, 2023; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: January 9, 2023

Azure cloud platform offers 200+ cloud services and products. If you wish to start your Azure cloud journey with a secure foundation and learn to make the most of the multi-layered security offered by Microsoft across infrastructure and operations in Azure, this webinar is meant for you.

Register for this instructor-led session that will take you through the best practices for Azure Security such as using multiple authentications, and utilizing Microsoft Azure Security Center, among others. This webinar will cover the top 10 best practices to help your organization simplify security and build stronger defenses against cyberattacks. The interactive session will also cover questions and clarify attendees’ doubts of the attendees toward the end of the class. Register now!


Time: 1 pm — 1:40 pm EST



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