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Webinar “How Does PMI Risk Management Help Reduce Project Failures?”

Published: January 30, 2023; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: February 7, 2023

Risk Analysis and Management is a vital project management practice that ensures that the least number of hassles occur while your project is underway. While it is not possible to predict the future, it is very possible to apply a simple and streamlined risk management process to predict the uncertainties and anomalies in projects and minimize the occurrence or impact of these uncertainties.

Join this FREE upcoming webinar and learn how to use proven approaches and techniques specific to risk management. Learn to plan and analyze projects so as to minimize risk in a formal environment. Delivered by a certified instructor, this webinar will help you identify, analyze, and address uncertainty throughout the project lifecycle and incorporate lessons learned and industry best practices related to risk management.


Time: 1 pm — 1:40 pm EST



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