Free activities and events in New York City

Forest Fitness

Published: March 16, 2022; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: March 24, 2022

Join the Fort Tryon Park Trust for a free, year-round «Fitness at the Fort» exercise program on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays! This regular fitness class incorporates climbing multiple staircases, stretches and strengthening exercises, notable tree identification, and forest bathing. Led by Nancy Bruning, BA, MPH, PAPHS.

Tuesdays at 7:30 a.m.: Easy Pace

Meet at the Heather Garden entrance. Walk along Stan Michels Promenade to Linden Terrace for dynamic warm-up stretching and cardio stair climbing. Walk south to Cabrini Woods for cardio steps and strengthening exercises and walk uphill to Billings Overlook for closing stretches.

Thursdays at 7:30 a.m.: Moderate Pace

Meet at the Heather Garden entrance and walk along Stan Michels Promenade to Linden Terrace for dynamic warm-up stretching and cardio stair climbing. Walk along the western path to Broadway, incorporating strengthening exercises, and walk uphill past Gazebo/Dog Run to Café Lawn, end with stretches.

Saturdays at 8:30 a.m.: Intense Pace

Meet at the Heather Garden entrance and walk along Stan Michels Promenade to Linden Terrace for dynamic warm-up stretch and cardio stair climbing. Walk along the western path to Broadway, incorporating strengthening exercises. Walk uphill towards Gazebo/Dog Run, utilizing a cluster of steps west of Broadway Path. Walk along the upper Alpine Garden path, to volleyball courts for stretches with final stair climbing to Margaret Corbin Circle.

(Note: Fitness Walking does not meet if it is raining or if the actual temperature or wind chill is below 20 degrees F.)


Margaret Corbin Circle in Fort Tryon Park Manhattan Directions to this location

Location Details:

Meet the instructor at Fort Tryon Park’s Margaret Corbin Plaza entrance. Registration

No RSVP is required. Meet us in the park!

Event Organizer:

Fort Tryon Park Trust

Contact Number:



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Detailed information and discussion of the event.