Free activities and events in New York City

Knitting & Crochet Circle

Published: February 25, 2023; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: February 27, 2023
Where: Nook

Address: 45 Irving Avenue, #Unit 1, Brooklyn, NY 11237, United States

Join us for Nook`s Knitting and Crochet Circle, hosted by our very own Barista Rosie. Have fun chatting while you stitch, comparing patterns, trading tips and tricks, and meeting your neighbors! Bring a project you`re working on, or start a new one. We will not be giving any lessons or instruction but will have recommended videos if you are learning.

We welcome those who are looking to connect with fellow crocheters and knitters and want to work on your projects with others!

Time: 7:00 PM EDT



List of all free workshops

Detailed information and discussion of the event.