Free activities and events in New York City

Relationship Alchemy Masterclass “Move From Struggle to Harmony”

Published: May 31, 2024; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: June 9, 2024

Are your relationships full of drama and conflict rather than spiritual harmony? The likely cause is that they are founded on ego, the false self. The ego is the conditioned self that is fearful, insecure, and demanding. When ego is the driving force, relationships become power struggles in which each party tries to impose its will on the other.

The path to harmonious relationships begins with the understanding that relationships are opportunities for spiritual growth. By building a spiritual foundation and focusing on practicing love, relationships can be elevated to a joyous experience of fellowship.

Join us for a free workshop to transform your relationships. In the workshop, you will learn:

  1. The spiritual purpose of relationships.
  2. The three stages of consciousness and how they affect relationships.
  3. How to manifest higher consciousness in your relationships.
  4. How to let go of ego by becoming free of conditioned expectations.
  5. Concrete action steps to apply what you have learned.

About the organization: Children of Infinity is a transformational space dedicated to serving lightworkers. Our community offers guidance, tools, and fellowship to help lightworkers cultivate their gifts and blossom to their highest potential. Join our community for free courses.

About the speaker: Dr. K Narayan has a Ph.D. in Quantum Mechanics and has been on a spiritual journey spanning 28 years. He is the founder of Children of Infinity, a nonprofit dedicated to raising planetary consciousness.

Time: 10:30 am — 12:00 pm EST



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