Free activities and events in New York City

Free Live 4-Day Workshop “How to Reset to Your Superwoman`s `SELF`”

Published: July 23, 2022; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: August 16, 2022

Tired of sacrificing your desires and needs due to exhaustion? Reset your SELF with ease, to restore your energy and joy for total wellness!

Free Live 4-Day Workshop (via Zoom)

A workshop designed for all Superwomen — women managing their demanding career and family life while sacrificing their own needs.

It’s not surprising that you feel Exhausted and have absolutely No Energy.

Learn to easily Reset your inner self by eliminating stress permanently with the simple 4-Step S.E.L.F Method (Stress Elimination = Limitless Freedom).

This 4-Step Method is simple to grasp and you will be surprised how easy it is to access! This is entirely Inner work — it is reconnecting to the better part of you and bringing reality to your inner world.

During each day in the workshop, you will learn one of each of the four steps:

This discovery includes simple suggestions or examples of how to apply these in life.

The 4-day workshop will be held the third week every month (Tuesday to Friday) and will start at the same time each day (11 AM — Pacific).

The workshop is interactive so come ready to participate and share in this safe space. Your participation will help you discover and unlock what your Inner Self already knows — and then apply it for real change in your unique real world.

Imagine how good you’ll feel living your healthiest best! Your family will love the rejuvenated you — giving your best while feeling your best is so much easier from a restored place than through exhaustion. You will turn heads at work with the energy you bring to your meetings and interactions. Your friends will be amazed at the change and love the renewed time you have to give in your relationships. And, the best part, YOU will have energy beyond what you ever thought possible with more than enough for your own personal desires.

With stress elimination, your overall best health will be supported — seeing improvements in aches/pains and sleep as well as reduced anxiety and depression.

In this workshop you’ll leave with:

Join us for this 4-day interactive workshop to start creating your stress-free world! Each session is 60 minutes and there will be time for a Q+A at the end of each session.

This is your time!


Time: 2:00 PM — 3:00 PM EDT


List of all free workshops

Detailed information and discussion of the event.