Free activities and events in New York City

Free Disaster Preparation Masterclass

Published: June 28, 2022; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: July 3, 2022

No better time than now to prepare for anything to happen!

Hollywood gives us certain images of disaster: people fleeing in panic; chaos in the streets; and heroic responders who come in, take charge and solve problems in superhuman ways. But of course, the real world does not operate like Hollywood. People behave differently than they do in the movies, and in real life, everyday citizens play an important role in disaster readiness, response, and recovery. What will your role be? Are you prepared?

Delving into these questions is a great first step in becoming disaster-aware and ready to survive should the unthinkable happen. When Everything Fails: Surviving Any Disaster offers a practical guide for protecting yourself, your family, and your community. Taught by Professor Stephen Owen of Radford University, these 14 practical and informative lectures will arm you with information for planning ahead so you can prepare for the effects of a disaster or catastrophe. You will also learn about the resources and infrastructure in your community that are in place to aid in preparedness, response, and recovery.

Also, as a follow-up to this workshop, once we get back to ’normal’ offline events, we will look to have some mixers to mingle and discuss what we have learned.

*Please note that this is FREE, you will need to create an account to participate online. Your support helps keep this group going during these tough times. Message me with any questions on this.


Time: 12:00 PM — 2:00 PM EST


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Detailed information and discussion of the event.