Free activities and events in New York City

“Lets Get Lit” A One Light Workshop with Fred Agho

Published: May 1, 2023; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: May 4, 2023
Where: LR2 Photo Studio | Bronx

Address: 432 Austin Place, The Bronx, NY 10455, United States

Fred will be leading a workshop to educate attendees on the impact of light distance and direction on portrait photography in a studio environment. The workshop will cover topics such as how the distance of the light source affects the intensity of light on the subject, how the size of the light source determines the spread of light, and how bringing the light source closer to the subject creates a harsher light with denser shadows. Additionally, Fred will explain how the direction of the light affects the brightness of different sides of the subject and how the color temperature in a camera can change the overall feel of an image.

Time: 4:45-8:00 PM EDT



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Detailed information and discussion of the event.