Free activities and events in New York City

Free Yoga Class with Ivelise Namaste

Published: January 5, 2023; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: January 14, 2023
Where: Omziel Healing Sanctuary

Address: 704 82nd Street, North Bergen, NJ 07047, United States


Class description: Open Level Vinyasa Class. In Vinyasa Yoga we move with the breath, linking each transition into a shape, as well as out of a shape, with the breath, and utilizing the breath to go deeper. In this Open level of class, beginners are welcomed and the flow will be accessible to all.

We will move through Sun Salutations, various standing poses, as well as some combination of back-bends, balance poses, We will move through Sun Salutations, various standing poses, as well as some combination of back-bends, balance poses, twists, and forward folds.

Our goal is to be sure that students are safe and comfortable in their bodies while maintaining steady and easeful breathing.

Please note that Practitioners of all levels are welcome.

So come out to receive, support, and share.

Items to bring: a yoga mat and water bottle for hygiene and hydration! Feel free to bring a journal and pen for reflections. Props are encouraged to support the body, invite ease, and avoid injury during this slow flow, so bring your favorite blocks, and strap.

Time: 9:00 AM — 10:30 AM EST



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