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Online Short Story Discussion: “The Egg” by Sherwood Anderson

Published: January 5, 2024; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: January 8, 2024

“The Egg” by Sherwood Anderson is a story about the narrator’s father, who is obsessed with achieving success and happiness through raising chickens and entertaining customers at his restaurant. The story explores the themes of ambition, failure, and disillusionment, as well as the symbolic meaning of eggs.

The narrator recounts his childhood on a chicken farm, where his father tried to make a fortune by selling eggs and chickens. However, his father faced many setbacks, such as diseases, bad weather, and grotesque chicks that died soon after hatching. The narrator also describes how he developed a cynical view of life and the world, as he witnessed the futile and miserable existence of the chickens.

The narrator’s father then decides to move to a town called Bidwell and open a restaurant, hoping to attract customers with his cheerful personality and his collection of preserved freakish chicks. He also tries to perform tricks with eggs, such as making them stand on end or balancing them on his nose. However, his attempts at entertainment fail miserably, as he only manages to bore or disgust his customers. One night, he tries to impress a young man from Bidwell named Joe Kane but ends up making him sick and scared. The narrator’s father realizes that he has wasted his life chasing a false dream, and breaks down in tears.

Discussion questions:

Time: 1:00-1:45 pm EST



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