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English Department Bloom Lecture Series with renowned poet Carl Phillips

Published: September 11, 2024; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: September 18, 2024
Where: Sulzberger Parlor

Address: 3009 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, United States

The renowned poet Carl Phillips will read from his work, at the 2024 Jacqueline Lahn Bloom lecture at Barnard College. Author of 17 books of poetry, Phillips is the winner of the 2023. Pulitzer Prize and many other honors.

At once sinuously contemplative and fierce, Phillips’ poetry explores the interactions of time desire, and power, from vegetable nature to the human body to the cosmos. Always questing, his language is richly supported by Phillips’ profound reading in English and other literature.

“When he asked if I still loved him, I didn’t answer;

but of course, I loved him.

He’d become, by then, like the rhyme between lost

and most.”

Time: 7:00-9:00 pm EDT



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