Free activities and events in New York City

MPJI Spring Lecture

Published: February 2, 2023; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: February 10, 2023
Where: The King`s College

Address: 56 Broadway, New York, NY 10004, United States

Phone: +1 212-659-7200


The McCandlish Phillips Journalism Institute will host Hamil R. Harris for our spring lecture in the City Room on Friday, Feb. 10, at 12 p.m. Lunch will be served.

Hamil is a longtime minister and award-winning Black journalist in Washington D.C. and will share about his work in journalism, in ministry, and how that work has affected his thinking on racial reconciliation, love, and forgiveness. He has written for The Washington Post, The Washington Informer,, and many other outlets. He currently teaches journalism at Howard University and serves as the pastor at the Glenarden Church of Christ.

The entire King’s community is invited to hear Harris’ message of hope and unity.

Time: 12:00 PM — 1:30 PM EST



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