Free activities and events in New York City

Earth Futures Festival: Film Screening and Panel Discussion

Published: September 14, 2022; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: September 22, 2022
Where: The Forum Columbia University

Address: 601 W 125th St, New York, NY, 10027, United States

Phone: +1 212-853-6786


The Columbia Climate School presents The Earth Futures Festival Film Screening and Panel Discussion: Future Earth

Join us for the NYC Earth Futures Festival film screening and panel discussion, uniting the arts and science to showcase how our scientific understanding and long-lived cultural knowledge of the Earth provide solutions to pressing global challenges.

The event starts with the screening of selected festival films, followed by a dynamic discussion involving a diverse panel of geoscientists, filmmakers and artists. Then enjoy networking with the arts and science communities over drinks and canapes.

Check out all of the Finalist Films and the Official Selection here

The Festival is supported by the the UNESCO International Geoscience Program and the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), representing over a million geoscientists across the world.

Time: 6:00-9:00 pm



List of all free movies

Detailed information and discussion of the event.