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Thursday Afternoon Films: “Caged” (1950)

Published: February 21, 2024; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: February 29, 2024
Where: 96th Street Library

Address: 112 East, 96th Street, New York, NY, 10128

Phone: +1 212-289-0908

“Caged” is a poignant 1950 American film noir directed by John Cromwell. The movie delves into the life of 19-year-old Marie Allen, portrayed by Eleanor Parker, who is sent to prison for being an accomplice in an armed robbery. The film is a stark portrayal of the brutal realities of women’s prisons and the transformation of Marie from a naive young widow to a hardened inmate.

The narrative follows Marie’s journey as she navigates the challenges of prison life, including the birth of her child and the subsequent forced adoption, as well as her encounters with the corrupt prison matron Evelyn Harper, played by Hope Emerson. The film also features Agnes Moorehead, Betty Garde, and Ellen Corby in significant roles.

“Caged” was notable for its time due to its candid depiction of the prison system and the corruption within. It was adapted by Virginia Kellogg from the story “Women Without Men” by Kellogg and Bernard C. Schoenfeld. The film was nominated for three Academy Awards and has been recognized for its strong performances and its contribution to the film noir genre.

Time: 2:00-4:00 pm EST


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