Free activities and events in New York City

Debut Exhibition + Opening Reception: “Incarnation”

Published: March 20, 2024; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: March 24, 2024

This event will showcase the works of artist Catherine Decôme, who explores the intriguing concept of “INCARNATION” and the inherent duality within us all. The exhibition promises to be a thought-provoking experience, delving into the complexities of human nature and the subjective perceptions of light and shadow in our lives.

For those interested in the arts and the exploration of deep, conceptual themes, this exhibition offers a unique opportunity to engage with contemporary art in a meaningful way. The event is expected to attract art enthusiasts and curious minds alike, providing a space for reflection, discussion, and appreciation of creative expression.

Location: 61 4th Ave

Time: 4:00-6:00 pm EST



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Detailed information and discussion of the event.