Free activities and events in New York City

Concert “Symphony of Brotherhood”

Published: January 8, 2024; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: January 14, 2024
Where: Temple Beth-El

Address: 2419 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, NJ 07304, United States

Phone: +1 201-333-4229


Symphony of Brotherhood is a special concert that celebrates the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his vision of a peaceful and just world.

The concert will feature a conversation on nonviolence, justice, and racial equity led by Dr. Amra Sabic-El-Rayess, a professor and expert on targeted violence and hate prevention, followed by a musical performance by Miri Ben-Ari, a Grammy award-winning violinist, and Derrick Starks, a gospel music star.

The concert aims to foster unity across communities and inspire people to follow Dr. King’s example of courage and compassion.

The concert is open to the public and free of charge, but registration is required. A reception with refreshments will be served after the concert.

The concert is a part of the International Interfaith Research Lab, a project that explores the role of religion and spirituality in promoting social justice and peace. The concert is also a tribute to Dr. King’s birthday, which is celebrated as a national holiday in the United States on the third Monday of January.

The concert is a unique opportunity to experience the power of music and dialogue in creating a more connected and harmonious world.

Time: 6:00 pm EST



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