Free activities and events in New York City

Concert “New Work, New York!”

Published: April 18, 2023; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: April 24, 2023

Join us for the inaugural ’New Р¦ork, New York!" concert featuring a band of fantastic NYC-based musicians and singers performing songs written by Berklee NYC’s Writing and Design for Musical Theater Alumni and Current Students.

No charge upon entry, but all guests are expected to purchase food and/or drink. A limit of 200 tickets is available, so don’t wait to get yours and join us in supporting these incredibly talented artists!

Current Students:


Location: 44 East 32nd Street New York, NY 10016 United States

Doors open at 6:30 pm, show starts promptly at 7:00 pm



List of all free concerts

Detailed information and discussion of the event.