Free activities and events in New York City

Free Family Concerts

Published: November 8, 2022; Aithor: Julia Sonrisa

When: November 2, 2022

AFK brings instruments for all to join in this performance of global tunes which include traditional favorites and new songs. We welcome everyone, from 0 to 99 years old!

Bring all your instruments from home and spoons. They will complement all the instruments I will bring as well. And a blanket!

Join us for an educational multicultural music show with instruments that you get to play!

Armelle Gloaguen, an award-winning artist and educator, is an experienced teacher and an accomplished singer, and a songwriter in English, French, and Spanish.

We will be inside the library in case of rain.

Ages: 0 to 8 years old

Location: Memorial Park- 251 Underhill Ave W, West Harrison, NY 10604 (not far from the gazebo).

Time: 10:00 am-10:30 am



List of all free concerts

Detailed information and discussion of the event.